" You're not Jimmy wells," he snapped. “你不是吉米(NJ)威尔斯”,他怒气冲冲急促地说。
" You're not Jimmy Wells," he snapped. " Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change a man's nose from a Roman to a pug. " “你不是吉米(NJ)威尔斯”他喊道。“二十年的确很长,但再长也不能把一个人的鹰钩鼻变成狮子鼻。”
Two years before, most Americans had not known Jimmy Carter's name. 两年前,几乎所有美国人都不知道吉米?卡特这个名字。
Hold on, the one who entrusts to protet her is not general jimmy? 慢著,委托保护她安全的不是吉美琪尔将军吗?