After users submit finished papers, background management system will read the item bank in the calculation of the correct answer score score presented to the user. 用户做完试卷提交后,后台管理系统会读取试题库中正确答案的分值计算总分呈现给用户。
The resulting verifications showed that percent correct is about 88. 8 % and the Heidke skill score is 0. 80. The approach can be adopted as an objective prediction technique for discriminating mid - range track trends of typhoons over the South China Sea. 结果表明,试报的准确率为88.8%,Heidke技巧得分为0.80。该方法为南海台风中期路径趋势预报提供了一种客观方法。
To the program that have serious wrong or the result is not correct, the system can use the method of static judging to score according to the number of the key sentence, therefore, the score more approach to the standard which artificially scoring. 而对于错误严重或结果不正确的程序,通过静态检查,可根据程序中的关键语句数给出相应分数,使评分结果更加接近于人工阅卷。
Different nutritional status of primary school students have significant differences in some subject of correct answer rate of nutritional knowledge, attitude and eating behavior, differences in knowledge, attitude and behavior score was not statistically significant. 不同营养状况的小学生在个别营养知识题目正确回答率、相关态度和饮食行为上存在差异,知识、态度、行为得分差异没有统计学意义。
The average correct rate of answers to all the questions was 49.80 %, and those of knowledges about identification and treatment were lower, the total score was < 60 % in 48.20 % of the subjects. 全表问题回答正确率平均为49.8%,以识别知识和处理知识较低;总分<60%者占48.2%。