Immediately he took a job as a writer and copy editor for a music magazine. 立刻地他找来一份为音乐杂志担任作家及编辑的工作。
It was the best year of her life, ' ' Teresa Rousseau, Lauren's mother told The News-Times, where she works as a copy editor. 这是她生活中最好的一年,特蕾莎卢梭,劳伦的母亲告诉《新闻时报》,她在那里做文字编辑。
Now incidentally I 'm writing a book the title of the book is Subprime Solution; I just sent off the draft to the copy editor last Friday. 顺便提一句,我正在写一本书,名叫《次贷危机解决方案》;,上周五我刚刚将草稿送到文字编辑手中。
Jean Winegardner, 41, loved her work as a copy editor and excelled at the job, but struggled to fit into the workplace in the years after graduate school, before she was diagnosed with autism. 现年41岁的珍o瓦恩加德纳非常热爱她的文字编辑工作,而且做得非常出色。不过,在毕业后的那些年,她一直很难融入工作环境,后来被诊断为自闭症。
Double-click syntax in content assist or the reference pane to copy it into the editor. 双击内容帮助或reference面板中的语法,将语法复制到编辑器中。