Adopting multiple access methods, such as Web, PDA, mobile phone and so on, this system provides real-time, dynamic query of traffic management data, quick field penalty to violations based on advanced network, computer information and software technologies. 交通警务通系统是采用Web、PDA、手机等多种访问方式,通过先进的网络、计算机信息和软件技术,实现交管信息海量数据的实时动态查询,违章行为现场快速处罚等功能。
The client Android smart phone system through wireless network access Web server, if need data access, then visit the backend database. 客户端Android系统智能手机通过无线网络访问Web服务器,如果需要数据访问,则Web服务器访问后台数据库。
With the growth of smart phone use, more and more web-based applications are starting to offer access from a mobile client, whether it is a browser or a native application. 随着智能电话使用率的增长,越来越多的基于Web的应用程序开始提供从移动客户端访问的能力,无论该客户端是浏览器还是原生应用程序。