I said before that I believe in the list stuff. 我本来说过我相信你那些清单的事。
So make up a list of stuff you can do this year. 所以列一张你在今年可以做的事情的单子吧。
So it took him about two years to convince us to go down the path and make a list of stuff. ,所以他花了两年的时间说服我们重新,回到这个想法,并且列出了一个清单。
As with many of the skin-healthy foods on our list, the good stuff in nuts especially almonds has to do with antioxidant activity. 正如我们清单中的许多使皮肤健康的食品一样,坚果&尤其是杏仁中的好东西能够产生抗氧化活动。
Everything else on that list ( except possibly the throwing stuff ) is about thinking, not typing. 列表中所有其它内容(可能扔东西要除外)都是关于思考的,而不是打字。