The effect of VDT on operators visual function is studied by experimental research and field survey. 实验研究和现场调查视屏显示终端(VDT)对操作者视功能的影响。
Experimental anisometropia and binocular visual function We do not treat management - worker relation as a participative process. 实验性屈光参差对双眼视功能的影响我们不能视劳资关系为双方参与过程。
Objective To study the value of comprehensive examination of visual electrophysiology in prognosis of visual function after cataract operation. 目的评价术前综合视觉电生理检测在判断白内障手术视功能预后中的作用。
To examine visual function with synthetical optometry and synoptophore. 综合验光仪验先并用同视机法测定视功能。
Efficacy assessments included several visual function parameters including best-corrected visual acuity and visual field testing. 疗效评估包括几个视觉包括最佳矫正视力及视野测试函数的参数。