The moral is : the majority of viral apps and companies have ended up as losers. 结论是:大部分经口耳相传而名噪一时的应用或公司最终都以失败告终。
Social moral value is the moral value accepted by the majority and originates from some certain culture or nationality. 社会道德价值是被社会大多数人所认可的道德价值,源于一定的文化或民族范畴。
Marx gives the deepest sympathy and moral support to the vast majority of the ruled class in the country of the exploiting class. 马克思对处于剥削阶级国家中的绝大多数的被统治阶级给予了深切的道德同情与道义支持。
First, the enemy-occupied area literature had reflected the writers ' standpoint and understanding to the perseverance of the national moral courage, which indicated the majority enemy-occupied area writers shared the same understanding of the bottom line of persevering in the national moral courage. 首先,沦陷区文学反映了作家们坚守民族气节的立场和对民族气节的理解,这表明大多数沦陷区作家在坚守民族气节这一道德底线的共同认识。
The process of argumentation in applied ethics is one of probing for solutions for moral conflicts on the basis of this common moral focus, with the help of the majority principle and error correction mechanism. 应用伦理学的论证过程,就是以这一共同的道德视点为根基,以多数决原则为辅助,以纠错机制为补充,为道德冲突寻求解答方案的探索过程。