I loved the moment when you first saw the giant dog shadow all over the park. 我太喜欢看到巨大的狗影子照在整个公园上空的那一刻了。
Most'Dreamtime'originates with the Giant Dog(GD) or the Giant Snake, and each is unique and colourful in its explanation. 大多数创世记源自巨犬或巨蛇,而且每个创世记在它的解释中都是独一无二的。
As tiny as she is she likes to pick the giant pieces of food from the dog food bowl rather than eat her cat food, the owner writes on Venus Facebook page. 尽管她还这么小,她却喜欢从狗粮中找大块的食物,却不吃她自己的猫粮。Venus的主人在她Facebook主页上写道。
The Wolong giant panda breeding centre plans to have four pandas raised in captivity live with a specially trained police dog or other animals, the Chengdu Daily quoted reserve officials as saying. 据《成都日报》援引保护区官员的话说,卧龙大熊猫饲养中心计划将四只大熊猫与一只特别训练过的警犬或其他动物圈养在一起。
Using a pair of giant clippers, the bare-chested Chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog. 一个赤裸着胸膛的中国男人用一对大夹子戳进卡车上很多铁丝笼中的一个,夹住一只呜咽的狗。