Please enter a string for this table entry. 请输入该表项(TE)的字符串。
Permitted operations are specified using control bits associated with each page table entry. 能允许的操作须指定使用与每个页表入口关联的控制位。
The IRQ signal is delivered to the local APICs listed in the corresponding Redirection Table entry. IRQ信号发送给对应重定向表条目中所列的局部APIC。
Policy agent failed to create a new policy table entry. “策略代理”创建新策略表项(TE)失败。
The addressed page is not present in memory, the corresponding Page Table entry is null, or a violation of the paging protection mechanism has occurred. 寻址的页不在内存中,对应的页表条目是空的,或者是违背了页式管理的保护机制。