The coffin had been draped in a Union Jack(UJ) 灵柩上覆盖着英国国旗。
The Union Jack(UJ) waved over them. 英国国旗在他们的头上飘扬。
It was decided that the Union Jack(UJ) should fly at half-mast from Churchill's death until his funeral. 经决议自邱吉尔去世之日直至其丧礼期间应将英国国旗下半旗。
1606-The Union Jack(UJ) is adopted as the national flag of Great Britain. 1606年的今天,“米字旗”被采用成为大不列颠的国旗。
This blend is perhaps most obvious in the music room, where a neutral palette and a traditional chaise are jazzed up by Union Jack(UJ) pillows and a Beatles drum set from vintage shops in London. 这也许是最混合在音乐室,在一个中立的调色板和传统的马车是由英国国旗饮誉枕头和甲壳虫乐队的鼓了明显的葡萄酒商店在伦敦成立。