The Role of College Library in Knowledge Management and Virtual Learning Organization(VLO) 论高校图书馆在知识管理和虚拟学习组织(VLO)中的作用
2, The virtual reality provides the learning organization with a good circumstance; 虚拟现实为学习型组织提供了良好的学习环境;
On the Value of the Virtual Reality Technique of the Learning Organization Theory in the Training of Management 论学习型组织理论中虚拟现实技术对管理培训的价值
The virtual enterprise is a new organizational alliance, and it is the learning alliance organization. It has high flexibility and the psychological contracts for maintaining the systemic stability and rapidly learning capability. 虚拟企业是一种新型的组织联盟&学习型联盟,这种组织具有较高的组织柔性和维持系统稳定性的心理契约及快速学习进化等类生物机制。
Virtual enterprise is an efficient mode of knowledge transfer and interorganizational learning, and it is an important spring of organization obtaining external new knowledge. 虚拟企业既是知识转移和组织间相互学习的有效模式,也是组织获取外部新知识的重要源泉。