The rundown classroom of the village elementary school in 1999. In the company of pigs and cows. 1999时一间破烂教室的村小学,与猪牛为伍的环境。
After Wang finished a business English degree at a community college in Xi'an, her mother offered to arrange a teaching job for her at the village elementary school. 王俊英去了西安一所大专学习商务英语,毕业后,母亲提出给她找一个在小学教书的工作。
Village elementary school principals believe that the development of the center elementary school plays a larger role the in the school district, particularly in terms of teaching instruction and result in good effects. 3. 2.9位村小校长认为中心小学在本学区的发展中发挥了较大的作用,特别是在教学指导方面发挥的作用,产生了较好的效果。