He spends all his free time at home vegetating in front of the TV. 他一有空闲时间就窝在家里看电视。
The fields vegetate vigorously. 这块地上旺盛地长起了植被。
Many elderly folk vegetate and die in loneliness. 许多老人过着呆板单调的生活并在孤寂中死去。
The curiae and the gentes of which they were composed were thus degraded, as in athens, to mere private and religious associations and continued to vegetate as such for a long period while the assembly of the Curio soon became completely dormant. 这样一来,库里亚和构成它们的各氏族,像在雅典一样,就降为纯粹私人的和宗教的团体,并且作为这样的团体还苟延残喘了很久,而库里亚大会不久就完全消失了。
On the Rise of National Bourgeoisie and Reformation During the Hundred Days Reform; In those countries which are but little developed, industrially and commercially, these two classes still vegetate side by side with the rising bourgeoisie. 论戊戌维新时期民族资产阶级状况和维新运动的兴起在工商业不很发达的国家里,这个阶级还在新兴的资产阶级身旁勉强生存着。