The auxiliary channels have one digital voice channel, one EOW channel and one data channel. 辅助信道拥有一个数字音频信道、一个EOW通道和一个数据通道。
Bandwidth of one voice channel 一个语音频道的频宽
Early signaling systems used in-band signaling where a portion of the voice channel was allocated for signaling. 早期的信令系统使用的是带内信令,即将语音信道(VCH)的一部分划分出来供信令使用。
Provide ( DTMF ) is a voice channel and tone to represent Numbers method, which can be used to transmit analog voice, so in communication has been widely used. 双音多频(DTMF)是一种在话音信道用音调来表示数字的方法,它可以用来在模拟话音信道传输信令,因此在通信中有广泛的应用。
VC - identifies the type ( s ) of voice channel ( VC ) radio equipment technology equipped on this neighbor face and server group. VC&标识装配在该相邻接口和服务器群上的语音信道(VCH)(VC)无线电设备技术的类型。