Finally, this paper simulated the virtual machine security module, R-UCON access control model and data encryption method and proved the feasibility of the security solution. 最后,对提出的虚拟机安全方案,R-UCON访问控制模型,数据加密方法进行了仿真验证,证明了方案的可行性。
Based on physical resource pool, service pool and virtual organization, a general framework and service access model, VSP, is proposed in this paper. HowU information processing platform is designed according to the VSP model. 基于物理资源池、服务池以及虚拟组织的思想,文章提出了面向服务网格的通用框架模型及服务访问模型VSP,VSP模型被用于指导HowU信息处理平台的设计。
This paper deals with the development of a virtual model lab by using such software as Inventor, Pro / E or Solid Works. Students can get access to the virtual model lab on the Internet or Intranet at their convenience. 利用Inventor、Pro/E或solidworks为开发工具,设计、开发一个工程制图虚拟模型室,在Internet或Intranet上发布,从而代替传统的实物教学模型室,学生可以随时访问,随时浏览。