And would Japan, in turn, take control of Sakhalin(UVD) and the Kuril Islands? 并且日本会随后占领库页岛(UVD)和千岛群岛吗?
Larix pollen is abundant in the Last Glacial sediments of Sakhalin(UVD) and Hokkaido islands. 萨哈林岛(库叶岛)和北海道的末次冰期沉积含丰富的落叶松花粉。
Primorsk proclaimed its independence after the Soviet defeat, and received Sakhalin(UVD) and Kurils islands after Japanese defeat. 普利摩斯克在苏联战败后宣布独立,并且从日本手里接收了库页和千岛。
What will that mean for the salmon, the whales and the rest of sakhalin's beautiful but fragile flora and fauna? 对于库页岛(UVD)的大马哈鱼、鲸类和其他的美丽但脆弱的动植物来说,这意味着什么呢?
Sakhalin(UVD) Energy, meanwhile, has been bedevilled by environmental problems. 而库页能源公司也在被环境问题所困扰。