It is usually implemented with a resistor or current source, a capacitor, and a " threshold " device such as a neon lamp, diac unijunction transistor, or Gunn diode. 通常由一个电阻器或者电流源,电容器和一个“阀门”装置,如氖灯、两端交流开关、单结晶体管(UJT)或者耿式效应二极管来实现。
This paper advances the circuit that simulates a unijunction transistor ( UJT ) with the adjustable intrinsic stand-off ratio. 本文提出了一种分压比可调的单结晶体管(UJT)(UJT)模拟电路。
The Principle and New Design Method of Unijunction Transistor Phaseshift Trigger Circuit with Constant Current Source 具有恒流源的单结晶体管(UJT)移相触发电路工作原理试探分析及其新设计方法
Stochastic resonance process in unijunction transistor circuits 单结管电路中的随机共振过程
This paper examines whether the stochastic resonance process will occur in the non linear second order circuits. A unijunction transistor second circuit used as an experiment circuit was forced by a bath with a specified signal period and noise. 为考察二阶非线性电路响应中是否存在随机共振过程,用噪声信号和周期信号同时激励二阶非线性单结管电路,并观察其响应和测量输出响应信号的信噪比。