Based on changes in electric property of underground media and natural potential field caused by landfill leakage, an online electricity monitoring system is designed to detect the leakage. 根据垃圾场渗滤液渗入地下后引起的地下介质电性变化及对自然电位场的改变,设计了用于垃圾填埋场渗滤液渗漏的在线电学监测系统。
Then, in November, the song featured on an underground EP that coincided with a performance video of the song going viral online. 一年多以来,他们的表演内容中都有这首歌,一直没出现什么问题。然后,去年11月,这首歌出现在一张地下唱片之中,同时,其表演视频迅速在网上流传。