Common method : universal gateway interface, linker of database, IDC linker of Internet database and application programming interface of Web server. 实现方法有:通用网关(UGW)接口、先进数据库连接器、Internet数据库连接器IDC、Web服务器应用编程接口等。
A Universal CAN / LIN Gateway Based on Salvo 一种基于Salvo的通用CAN/LIN网关
The universal client and the Web Services Gateway are described in the previous section. 在先前的部分中描述了通用的客户端和Web服务网关。
A universal resolvent of SIP stack in VoIP gateway will be meaningful in practice usage because of the difference in physical access media. 由于不同网关物理接入媒介的不同,在VoIP网关中提供具有通用性的SIP协议栈的实现和相关的SIP协议扩展具有深刻的意义和实用价值。