I should like to add a postscript to your obituary for John Cage(JC). 我想在你为约翰·凯奇写的讣告后补充一点内容。
John Cage(JC) who studied with Schoenberg in the1930s produced hundreds of prints, drawings and watercolors towards the end of his life. 30年代师从勋伯格的约翰·凯奇在晚年创作了数百张版画、手绘和水彩作品。
For example, in the music of the american John Cage(JC), random throws of dice determine in what sequence the composer will organize his material. 例如,美国作曲家凯奇就用扔骰子来确定作品中素材出现的顺序。
John Cage(JC), as a banner of the avant garde music, exerted significant influence on the music of twentieth century. 作为先锋派音乐的一面旗帜,约翰·凯奇对二十世纪音乐产生了重要影响。
I hear characteristics of gamelan music in John Cage(JC)'s prepared piano pieces, and I hope to find out the reasons that result in the similarity between these two musics in order to examine the common phenomenon of modern composers ' liaisons with world music. 在JohnCage的预置钢琴乐曲中我们能听到甘美兰音乐的特点,藉于深入讨论及分析找出两者相似之原因,以验证现代音乐作曲家从世界音乐中汲取养料,获得灵感的普遍现象。