Literary representation is completed by individual, in which his understanding of life, emotional catharsis and life ' will are soaked. Its ultimate purpose is to express the individual's sense of truth in life. 文学表象是由个体来完成的,其中渗透着个体的生命理解、情感宣泄以及生命意志,它的终极目的是个体生命真理感的表达。
The ultimate goal of singing is to express the thoughts and feelings of songs in the profound and lively way. 深刻而又生动的表达歌曲的思想感情是歌唱表现的最终目的。
Anger is ultimate troublemaker. I feel you can express a strong disapproval or dislike of an object without losing your temper. 愤怒是问题制造器。我相信你可以在不发怒的情况下,对某些事物表达强烈反对或不满。
Man will certainly resort to reverse thinking as in philosophical theory once he wants to make sure the ultimate meaning of himself, meet his fundamental pursuits and express the nature of his spirit. 人要追问自身的终极意义,满足自身的根本追求,表达自身的精神本性,就必须借助于哲学的理论反思方式。
Brief analysis of the word means, the ultimate meaning of modern Chinese by numeral, adverb, to express irony. 简要分析词汇手段,现代汉语的极限义可以通过数词、副词、反语来表达。