Based on the application of data partitioning and unequal error protection, a new robust coding scheme was proposed for H. 提出了一种基于数据分割和不等错误保护(UEP)的H。
In this scheme, data is divided into different levels, and multilevel code modulation and set partitioning techniques are used to offer unequal error protection to data with different priorities. 把广播数据分成多个优先级,使用多级编码调制和集分割映射技术,为不同优先级的数据提供不同的差错保护。
Joint source-channel coding / decoding based on unequal error protection in space communication 面向空间通信不平等差错保护的联合信源信道编解码方法
This paper presents a new decoding algorithm of unequal error protection ( UEP ) code, which is called tree topology. 提出一种新的不等保护分组码译码算法&树状图算法。
This paper constructs irregular LDPC codes of unequal error protection with a parity check matrix in a lower triangular. 采用了近似下三角校验阵的形式,构造了一类具有不等错误保护(UEP)的非规则LDPC码。