One of the typical application domains of Massive Digital Resource Management(DRM) is the large-scale digital library. 海量数字资源管理(DRM)的一个典型应用就是大型数字图书馆。
Information Explosion brings a big challenge to the storage system of Massive Digital Resource Management(DRM). 信息爆炸为海量数字资源管理(DRM)带来的挑战之一就是海量信息的存储问题。
This paper is aimed at some aspects of hardware construction, software installment and digital resource management, linking to the working practice, to probe and generalize. 针对电子阅览室硬件建设、软件安装及数字资源管理(DRM)几方面,结合工作实际进行探讨与总结。
The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting ( OAI-PMH ) has built a proper cooperation between data providers and service providers, and then set up a proper framework for digital resource management and publishing. 开放文献先导元数据收获协议(OAIPMH)通过元数据收获机制,将数据提供者与服务提供者有机地结合在一起,形成有效的数字资源管理(DRM)与发布框架。
Study on the Self-organizing Evolution Process of Digital Information Resource Management 数字信息资源管理的自组织过程研究