Please note that only DB2 express database and DB2 universal database support creating stored procedures and user-defined functions. 请注意,只有DB2express和DB2universal数据库支持创建存储过程和用户自定义函数。
DB2 Universal Database assumes that the pass-through session includes some'write'operations against the remote server. DB2UniversalDatabase假设pass-through会话包括一些对远程服务器的“write”操作。
Using the UDFs and triggers we've talked about in this article, you can easily migrate your data and applications to DB2 Universal Database. 使用本文中所谈论的UDF和触发器,您可以很轻松地将数据和应用程序迁移到DB2UniversalDatabase中。
If the data source is a remote DB2 Universal Database instance, you can register each database on that instance as a server. 如果数据源是一个远程DB2UniversalDatabase实例,那么可以将那个实例上的每个数据库注册为一个服务器。
For general DB2 assistance, check out DB2 Universal Database Online Support where you can view or download the DB2 manuals in HTML or PDF in24 different languages. 要获取常规DB2帮助,请查阅DB2通用数据库(UDB)联机支持,可以以24种不同语言查看或下载HTML或PDF格式的DB2手册。