Loading sheep for transport to new pasture. Bakersfield(UCG-B), California. 将羊装载到新的牧场。加利福尼亚,贝克尔斯菲市。
It is known that the Sierras east of Bakersfield(UCG-B), in southern California, contain uranium deposits. 众所周知南加州贝克斯菲尔德(UCG-B)东部的齿状山脊是有铀矿层的。
Bakersfield(UCG-B) and Fresno in California came in at the very bottom of the list because their high poverty rate and low scores in the major categories. 加利福尼亚的贝克尔斯菲尔德和弗雷斯诺在排行榜中垫底,因为这两个城市的贫困率高,在主要评比项中得分较低。
Don and Maxine Simpson from Bakersfield(UCG-B), California, died four hours apart on adjoining beds, holding hands during some of their final hours. 唐和马克辛辛普森来自于加利福利亚州贝克尔斯菲市。在人生的最后几个小时中,他们睡在相邻的病床上携手离世,去世时间仅相差4个小时。