The design principle behind Moq is to be refactoring friendly with a very low barrier of entry. Moq的设计原则就是以极低的门槛来获取良好的重构能力。
Both have a low barrier to adoption; in this article's example, both the hardware and the software are completely free. 两者的采用门槛都较低;在本文的示例中,硬件和软件都是免费的。
It has a very low barrier to entry due to the broad base of business and power users that are familiar with Internet-based applications ( and simple scripting languages like PHP ) and can do tasks, such as write Excel macros. 其进入壁垒非常低,因为业务用户和高级用户中的大部分人都已经熟悉基于Internet的应用程序(和PHP之类的简单脚本语言),能够进行编写Excel宏之类的任务。
Simplicity for the developer : Software is becoming easier to use and develop for certain kinds of applications due to open industry standards and the low barrier to entry of many powerful technologies. 面向开发人员的简单性:对于某些应用程序来说,软件变得越来越容易使用和开发,这得益于开放的行业标准和功能强大的技术的门槛降低。
Research on the Behavior Logic and the Strategy of Innovation Stagnation of " Endogenous Type " Low Barrier(LB) Industry Clusters 内生式低壁垒产业集群创新停滞的行为逻辑及其对策研究