Hi, John, this is Mary, your tenant up in Lincoln Park(LP). 你好,约翰。这是玛丽,是租你林肯公园(LP)房子的人。
This place does not look like Lincoln park. 这地方不像林肯公园(LP)。
But Steve Ross, a primatologist at Lincoln Park(LP) Zoo, wanted to explore this behaviour further and found that there were no data on sequential learning in gorillas. 但是史蒂夫•罗斯(林肯动物园的灵长类动物学家)想进一步研究这种行为,他发现有关大猩猩排序能力学习的研究数据还没有。
Bright yellow foliage on a tree on the edge of the Pompton River in Lincoln Park(LP). 明亮的黄色树叶挂在林肯公园(LP)波普顿河边的树枝上。
A short time after he contracted gonorrhea from a sales girl in a loop department store while riding in a taxicab through Lincoln Park(LP). 而此时他正乘的士穿过林肯公园(LP),前一刻却是在间部门小仓库里与某个销售女郎春风一度,代价是染上淋病。