Sets the page as changed since the last load or save. 将页设置为自上次加载或保存以来已发生了更改。
Do you want to load a save game? 您要读取储存的游戏进度吗?
I do not bother to delve into installation instructions, nor into how to load or save a game. 我并不想不厌其烦的介绍如何安装以及怎样存取档。
They manage data access transparently, exposing a relatively simple API that can load or save an entire object graph with a line or two of code. 他们管理数据访问更加透明,提供了很多简洁的API,可以使用一辆行代码来实现加载和保存整个对象。
In order to reduce the work load, save the energy, reduce the cost, he used the drawing, fell the material, the punch holes completed at one time. 为了减轻工作量,节约能源,降低成本,本研究采用了拉深、落料、冲孔复合模一次完成加工。