This article concluded and summarized the different factor of Vector Markup Language ( VML ) and Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG) ( SVG ). 对矢量标记语言(VML)与可伸缩矢量图形(SVG)差异性进行了归纳和分析。
However, vector images stored as XML files using Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG), or SVG, are an exception. 不过,使用可缩放向量图形SVG存储为XML文件的向量图像是一个例外。
Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG) ( using Apache Batik ) was picked up for this purpose. 我们选择了可伸缩向量图(利用ApacheBatik)来解决这一问题。
The Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG) ( SVG ) format, is becoming a first class citizen in IE9. 可缩放矢量图形(SVG)(SVG)格式正成为IE9上的一等公民。
SVG ( Scalable Vector Graphics(SVG) ) is recommended by IEC61970 as the standard file format of public graphics exchange. 可缩放矢量图形(SVG)(SVG)作为IEC61970标准推荐采用的公共图形交换的文件格式。