Nominal expression is one of the wording characteristics in English for academic purposes. 名词性表达是英语学术语篇中比较典型的话语类型特点之一。
With the deficiencies of the theoretical understanding, leading the Company Opportunity theory is limited to the nominal expression in our Company Law, without any definition about it in the legal. 学理认识的不足,致使公司法对该制度也只限于名称性表述,而没有对其进行任何法律界定。
Based on the nature, Yao Hua's Ci for paintings can be divided into three classes : Ci for illuminating paintings, Ci of singing the praises of paintings and the nominal Ci for paintings, and its theme is very wide-ranging and its expression means are diverse. 姚华的题画词依据性质可分为解画词、咏画词、名义题画词三类,其题材非常广泛,表现手法也是多种多样。
Nominal constructions, a common linguistic phenomenon in English, are inevitable in English expression. 名词短语,作为英语的一种普遍语言现象,是英语表达不可缺少的成分之一。