FM-Que model support transaction mobility and frequent disconnect through adopt transaction queue mechanism, an idea of fixed subtransaction and mobile subtransaction, and adopt multi-edition and pre-commit mode to maintain data consistency. FM-Que模型通过采用事务队列(TXQ)机制,固定子事务和移动子事务思想来支持事务移动性和频繁断接性,采用多版本预提交方式来维护数据一致性。
This model support mobile computing environment effectively through adopt transaction queue mechanism in server agent layer, and multi-granularity lock concurrency control mechanism on the basic of lock form in server layer. 此模型通过在移动代理层采用事务队列(TXQ)机制,及在服务器层采用基于锁表的多粒度锁并发控制机制来有效地支持移动计算环境。
Property identifying the transaction status queue on the source computer. 识别源计算机上事务状态队列的属性。
Remove the transaction from the payment queue. 是用上面这句话从队列里删除交易的啊。
This thesis will use the database transaction logs and message queue technology, to maintain data consistency in Distributed Procurement, Sales and Inventory management system. First, use merge replication to partition and allocate data. 本文将结合使用数据库事务日志和消息队列技术,维护分布式进销存管理系统的数据一致性。首先,使用合并复制技术对数据进行分片和分配。