The " Adversaries " chapter discusses not only the usual suspects, such as hackers and terrorists, but also groups not usually mentioned in security discussions & such as the media and the police. “对手”一章中不仅讨论了一般的质疑,比如黑客和恐怖分子,而且也讨论了在安全问题中一些不经常提到的方面&比如媒体和警方。
Both rail against oil companies, drug companies, credit-card companies & the usual suspects. 他们都抱怨石油公司、药品公司和银行&这是免不了的。
As they report in Nature, he and his team discovered 18 genes that were often mutated. Some were the usual suspects of cancer genetics. 正如他们在《自然》杂志中所报告的那样,埃利斯和他的团队发现了18种经常发生突变的基因,其中有些是癌症遗传学通常怀疑的对象。
It is not just the usual suspects soggy Europeans who abhor the culture wars waged by us conservatives. 这样做的不仅仅是“通常嫌犯”死气沉沉的欧洲人,他们对美国保守派发动的文化战争可谓深恶痛绝。