It including nine foundations class, respectively is : View class, page class, graph unit class, text unit class, shape unit class, line unit class. Element class, unit group class and layer class. 它包括九个基础类,分别是:视图类、页面类、图形单元类、文字单元类、形状单元类、线条单元类、元件类、单元组和图层类。
The paper is a comment on the linguistic features of the text of Unit Five, Book ⅳ, College English. 该文是对上海外语教育出版社出版的《大学英语》精读第四册第五单元课文的评析。
Inspired by text linguistics, people believe that translation studies should be carried out with text as the unit. 人们从而趋向于把语篇作为翻译单位来进行翻译研究。
From the text linguists ' point of view, text is the unit of translation and a communicative occurrence, too. 论文第一章介绍了篇章翻译的概念以及给篇章语言学给翻译研究带来的新观点,包括篇章作为翻译单位和篇章作为一起交际事件。
When translators regard the text as the unit of translation, then Gao is translated by means of five cohesive devices, namely, reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion. 译者视篇章为翻译单位,因而通过指称、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接等五种连贯手段实现搞字的翻译。