They 'll find some dumb son of a bitch to bring it up. 他们要找个该死的蠢货运上去。
If some dumb animal had found a tongue! 怕只有哑畜生居然开口说话!
More often than not a con who's just out will pull some dumb job that hasn't a chance in hell of succeeding * and why? 许多刚出狱的囚犯往往会做一些绝不可能成功的蠢罪案,为什么呢?
As in the past, he admits to some investment errors in timing and judgment confessing, for example, that one of the " dumb things " he did was to buy a large amount of ConocoPhillips stock shortly before oil and gas prices collapsed. 和过去一样,他承认在投资时机和判断上犯下了一些错误,比如承认他所做的“蠢事”之一,是在石油和天然气价格暴跌前不久购买了大量康菲石油(conocophillips)股票。