When prompted, authenticate and use a valid user name for your Sametime Unified Telephony Core server. 得到提示后,执行身份验证并对您的SametimeUnifiedTelephonyCore服务器使用一个有效的用户名。
It showed you how the API can be deployed as part of the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony core server and also explained additional deployment options. 它展示了如何将API作为LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephony核心服务器的一部分进行部署,还解释了其他一些部署选项。
Installation and configuration steps are automated as part of the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony Core server installer; this is the easiest way to install the enterprise application. 安装和配置步骤由LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyCore服务器安装程序自动完成;这是安装企业应用程序的最简单方式。
This process is required because the REST API will work only for users who are provisioned on the Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony Core server. 这个过程是必须的,因为RESTAPI将只针对在LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyCore服务器上拥有权限的用户工作。
NOTE : The Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony Core server installer does not automate the process of configuring the security settings so the following steps must always be performed. 注意:LotusSametimeUnifiedTelephonyCore服务器安装程序并不会自动执行安全设置的配置过程,因此必须始终执行以下步骤。