Through effective leadership and management, they must secure and expand the customer base of the dealership continuously. 通过有效的领导和管理,使经销商的客户群(CB)获得持续稳固的发展。
Our own brand " Bayer " in the industry must have the customer base and visibility. 我们的自创品牌“拜尔”在业内已拥有一定的客户群(CB)和知名度。
As part of the business plan that you present to the bank, you should include a detailed analysis of the market, the customer base, and the broader industry. 在你呈给银行的创业计划中,要包括你对市场,客户数据以及整个行业的详细的分析报告。
One disadvantage of multi-tenancy is that it can incur substantial memory and processing of applications when the customer base is small. 多租赁的一个缺点就是当用户的基数很小时,它也要占用大量的内存和进行大量的应用程序处理。
The customer base would range from the plant manager and quality manager to line controllers and the COO and CFO. 它的用户群很大,可以是厂长、质量经理、生产线管理员、COO和CFO。