Translation : Women consider a fat wallet a better compensation for a fat belly than men do. 这可以解读为:与男人们相比,女人们更容易接受用鼓鼓的钱包来补偿鼓鼓的肚子。
Pange answer is : life well, and broth of fat belly, the doctor confessed to eat more vegetables, can lowering blood pressure, gastrointestinal clear, but also to add vitamins, why not like? 胖哥答曰:日子过好了,肥肠肥肚(FB)了,医生交待,多吃青菜,能降血脂,清肠胃,又能补充维生素,为什么不喜欢?
Like Morgan ( his patient ), many start to see more fat around the belly or at the backs of the arms. 就好像他的病人摩根,许多早衰者最初发现他们的腰部或手臂内侧赘肉增多。