Update method : Automatically by Live Update(LU) module. 更新方法:自动通过实时更新的模式。
From now on, all of our Wheel, Tyre and2nd Hand page product are live update from us. 由现在起,所有合金轮圈,汽车轮胎及二手货品之网页内的产品由我们即时更新。
For example, if you were providing a live update service during a busy news event where the front-end web application kept periodically reloading the news item, you could easily serve up the content. 例如,以前要想在新闻频发的活动期间提供即时更新服务,前端web应用程序就需要定期重新装载新闻稿,而现在可以轻松地提供内容。
Make skin moisture and more full, and helps the skin surface to maintain the new live update frequency, close to the skin surface cells arranged in narrow pores, smooth skin. 令肌肤回复盈润饱满,更可帮助肌肤表皮维持新活的更新频率,从而令肌肤表面细胞紧密排列,缩小毛孔,平滑肌肤。
For example, you can delete rows containing information about carpoolers who live in a specific city or update XML ( and non-XML data ) only for carpoolers whose carpool's start time is within in a given time. 例如,可以删除包含居住在特定城市的合伙用车者的相关信息的行,或者只更新合伙用车的开始时间在某个给定时间段内的合伙用车者的XML(和非XML数据)。