Mr Blair, I recall, once promised a new Britain. 我记得,布莱尔当年也曾承诺要打造一个新英国。
Perhaps the most glittering symbol of the New Britain(NB) was london's post office tower. 伦敦邮局大楼也许是新不列颠最夺目耀眼的象征。
In prepping for his deep-sea dive, Cameron did a test run of sorts at the New Britain(NB) trench, in the Solomon Islands of Papua New Guinea. 为了做好深海下潜的准备,卡梅隆在巴布亚新几内亚的所罗门群岛新不列颠海沟进行了海试。
Instead, he hopes to associate the Morgan brand with what might be a new Britain, almost like the Olympics Britain, more multicultural, a bit fresher, younger. 他希望让摩根品牌与可能的新英国联系在一起,这个新英国就像是奥运英国,文化更多元,更清新、年轻一点。
Old-style manufacturing, which critics complained was creating an industrial wasteland, was run down in the quest for a competitive new Britain. 旧式制造业饱受诟病,规模逐渐缩减。人们追求建造一个具有竞争力的新英国。