By using the quiet family hour to discuss our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better. 利用这安静的、全家聚在一起的时刻来讨论我们的各种问题,我们相互之间也许会更加了解,更加相爱。
God gives us the promises in a quiet hour; 上帝常在我们孤单的时候,给我们应许;
When others are flying hither and thither as if their wits had failed them, the believer shall be quiet, calm, and deliberate, and so shall be able to act wisely in the hour of trial. 当别人像无头苍蝇般四处乱闯时,他却气定神闲,胸有成竹,在受考验时,应付裕如。