Gold peaked in September 2011, trading at more than $ 1,900 a troy ounce. 金价在2011年9月登顶,交易价格超过每盎司1900美元。
Gold futures ended Thursday at $ 1, 331.60 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, up slightly for the day but down 16 % from a year ago. 周四纽约商品期货交易所(NewYorkMercantileexchange)Comex分部的黄金期货收盘价报每盎司1331.60美元,较前日微涨,但和一年前相比仍下跌了16%。
He said gold, which this week passed $ 1,400 a troy ounce, reflected international unease at the strength of large developed economies and their currencies. 他表示,黄金的走势,反映出了国际市场对大型发达经济体及其货币实力的担忧。上周,金价已突破了每盎司1400美元。
The data provides the clearest indication of the huge role investors played in driving gold to a record high of $ 1, 226.10 a troy ounce in December. 这一数据清晰表明,在推动黄金于去年12月达到每盎司1226.10美元的最高纪录过程中,投资者发挥了巨大作用。
Gold prices could trade as high as $ 1,300 a troy ounce next year if the US dollar's decline accelerates and doubts about its status as the world's principal reserve currency continue to increase, says James Steel, chief commodities analyst at HSBC. 汇丰银行(HSBC)大宗商品首席分析师詹姆斯斯蒂尔(JamesSteel)表示,如果美元加速贬值,同时对于美元作为全球主要储备货币地位的疑虑继续上升,那么金价明年可能升至每盎司1300美元的高位。