UK policymakers scared so much folks before the Olympic that London is a deserted city : non-Olympic tourists are away; Londoners are gone! 在奥运会开始前,英国政府担心游客过多,导致现在的伦敦成了一座空城:不看奥运的游客不来伦敦了,伦敦当地人也都不在城里呆着了!
Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their tunes in the country. 每逢周末,成千上万天天乘车去市区上班的人们躲入他们市郊乡村的家里,这时行人稀少的市区街头一片宁静,没有什么比这气氛更感人至深了。
Decide to leave this deserted and cold city for a place with sunshine everyday. 决定离开这个荒寒的城市。到一个阳光灿烂的地方旅行。
How deserted lies the city, once so full of people! 先前满有人民的城,现在何竟独坐。