The quick math of judging beauty has long-term consequences for the judged. Attractive people simply have an easier time with life. 判断美丑的简单运算法对被评判的人有长期的影响。有魅力的人就是能够更轻松享受人生。
Along with enlargement of synthetic resin plant in China, blown film for FFS bag, which has advantages of quick packaging, clean, beauty and environment friendship, will replace the traditional woven sacks in future. FFS袋用吹塑薄膜具有包装速度快、洁净、环保、美观等优势,随着国内合成树脂装置生产规模的扩大,FFS袋用吹塑薄膜将替代传统复合编织袋成为合成树脂包装领域的主导产品。
The casting announcements have been coming in quick and fast since January and things are progressing nicely for the live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. 动画改编真人版《美女与野兽》进展良好:从1月以来,演员阵容的公布都是迅速又即时的。