The default field delimiter is the tab character. 默认的字段分隔符(FD)是制表符。
If no semicolon is present, a period is the field delimiter. 如果没有分号,则使用句号作为字段分隔符(FD)。
For ASCII files, you can specify the field delimiter for the file, as well as the escape character, whether trailing blanks should be included, and the encoding for the file. 对于ascii文件,您可以指定文件的字段分隔符(FD)、转义字符、是否应包括尾随空白,以及文件的编码。
You extract the records from the db2audit.log file into ASCII delimited files using the semicolon as the field delimiter character, while only extracting CHECKING events with a FAILURE status 然后从db2audit.log文件将记录提取到定界ASCII文件中,这里以分号作为字段定界符,并且只提取状态为FAILURE的CHECKING事件
Field length from the previous sibling or delimiter. 以前的同辈或分隔符中的字段长度。