Clostridium perfringens is one kind of leather blue masculine gender, produces the gemma, hates the oxygen strictly and forms the special capsule the bacillus fusiformis. 产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridiumperfringens)是一种革兰氏阳性、产生芽胞、严格厌氧及形成特殊荚膜的梭状杆菌。
JeongMee Yoon, Korean photographer, has spent the last five years on the " Pink and Blue Project ": photographing boys and girls with their gender specific-coloured belongings. 韩国摄影师“JeongMeeYoon”花了近五年的时间进行一项“粉色和蓝色调查”,拍摄了很多男孩女孩分别和他们喜好颜色的物品的合照。