Fairy story : princess under an evil spell who could be awakened only by a prince's kiss. 神话故事;被邪恶的符咒控制只有被王子的吻才能救醒。
Rescuing the princess from the evil dude's castle. 把公主从邪恶的家伙的城堡里解救出来。
It is a common tale for a mediaeval knight to kill a dragon and save a princess and her country from its evil. 一个司空见惯的传说是,一位中世纪的骑士杀死了龙,拯救了公主和她的国家。
Players are often given the task of using Link to rescue the Princess Zelda from the clutches of evil. 玩家总是要控制林克,从各种恶魔手中解救塞尔达公主。
When they saw the lovely princess lying dead on the floor beside the spinning wheel, they knew that the evil witch's curse had worked. 当他们看到美丽的公主像死了一样地躺在纺车旁的地板上时,便知道坏女巫的诅咒生效了。