Terrestrial or less than normally scandent ferns of tropical regions of northern hemisphere. 北半球热带地区的陆生而非攀缘蕨类植物。
While tropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere spin counterclockwise, those in the Southern Hemisphere spin clockwise. 北半球的热带飓风是按逆时针方向旋转的,而南半球的热带飓风却以顺时针方向旋转。
Teleconnection between SST in tropical eastern Pacific and ozonosphere over Northern Hemisphere 热带东太平洋海温与北半球大气臭氧层的遥相关结构
Seasonal interaction between SST in tropical eastern Pacific and ozone layer in northern hemisphere and teleconnection spacial structure in it caused by SST effects, for January and July, are statistically analysed. 统计分析了1月份、7月份热带东太平洋海温同北半球大气O3层之间的季节性相互联系以及海温导致的O3层遥相关的空间结构。
It's found that : ( 1 ) Abnormal frequency variation of the tropical cyclone affecting East China is caused by the adjustment of mean monthly circulation of the Northern Hemisphere in flood season; 研究发现:(1)影响华东地区的热带气旋汛频数的局地性异常变化是汛平均环流半球性调整的结果;