He has also served as senior consultant in Net TV of Sun Media. 曾任阳光文化网路电视公司高级顾问。
The selection and analysis of senior application software for distribution net 配电网高级应用软件的选择与分析
Many Chinese banks have gotten away with holding too little capital, said one senior banking analyst in Hong Kong. Some of the biggest banks have yet to apply the concept of net present value [ of an asset ]. 许多中国银行在资本过少的情况下仍能经营下去,一位驻香港资深银行业分析师表示,一些规模最大的银行迄今尚未用到过(资产)净现值的概念。
They said that each senior official has two computers, one that connects to the Internet and the other for classified work, which is not connected to the net. 他们指出每个高级官员都拥有两台电脑,一台用来连接互联网,另一台则用于机密工作,而这两台电脑是不进行(物理)连接的。