The Expert Network for Factory Automation Based on Internet and Multi-sensor Fusion 基于Internet和多传感器融合的工厂自动化专家网络
Combined the distribution network of the factory, the paper analyzed the characteristic, require of power supply and mode of distribution system. 并结合抚顺石化公司化工塑料厂的配电网络描述了工厂行业的配电特点、供电电源的要求及主配电所的配电方式。
The network system adopts " transparent factory " design idea, which realizes the equipments maintenance and the long-distance surveillance and monitor. 网络系统采用了“透明工厂”设计思想,实现了设备维护及生产操作人员的远距离访问和监视。
This system adopt some advanced control strategies such as field bus 、 winder, which has accurate control capability and can realize the network and information of the factory. 该系统采用现场总线、卷曲宏等先进的控制技术,具有精确的控制性能,良好的动态特性,能够实现工厂网络化、信息化。该系统现已成功通过调试交付使用,运行情况良好。
The wireless network communication technology apply to factory automation 适用于工厂自动化的无线网络通讯技术