I have offered a scholarship at a university in America for my further education. 我已获得美国一所大学提供给我进修深造的奖学金。
Lee S. Shulman is the main promoter of the movement of Scholarship of teaching and learning in America. 舒尔曼(LeeShulman)博士对大学教学学术运动在美国的发展起到了很大的推动作用。
Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place : America, which stood as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before. 艰辛的努力和顽强的毅力使父亲拿到了到美国留学的奖学金。美国是一片神奇的国土,它对于许多未曾来过的人而言是自由和机会的象征。
This subject will introduce students to scholarship about folk music of the British Isles and North America. 本课程会指导学生了解不列颠群岛和北美的民间音乐。
I am now writing to ask whether it is possible for you to grant me a full scholarship, considering my academic record and my having no relatives in america to Be my sponsor. 由于我学习成绩优良,在美国无亲戚作经济上的担保,特写信询问能否给我全额奖学金。